Creating Impact


helping to make the world a better place

If you are an entrepreneur, you know that your success cannot depend on the opinions

I’m working to create my way of giving back to my home country of Cambodia in a way that can provide them more options in life. I understand that I can’t do this alone so I have found my teammates that believe in my cause and they are now a part of the movement to help provide and educate the families in Cambodia. My first step is to create a non-profit organization. I have spoken to a CPA to provide and educate me with the knowledge of doing this the right way. I’m very happy and secure with the agent that I am working with, he is truly a blessing. I have the dollar amount needed in getting everything legalized by the state of California. My target goals: Help fight the cause in stopping child prostitution, free education towards homeopathic medicine, spiritual guidance and provide free nourishment & clothing.

My mother was forced into child prostitution, so this cause hits home with me. It truly breaks my heart that a child was ripped out of their innocence because of a human’s evil deeds. I want to help or create in any way I can to be a part of fighting against this problem. Natural cures and medicine is a great knowledge to have. Not only will they be healthier but it’s one of the world’s best gifts to mankind. Providing the education of the natural recourses at their disposal, instead of relaying on western medicine so much, will help them be more self-sufficient.

a piece of sunshine – non-profit

Clean Water

Facilisis quisquam eros sint. Facilisis penatibu aboris nec consectetur interdum. Fames iure natus sollicitudin oluptatibus.

Providing Shelter

Facilisis quisquam eros sint. Facilisis penatibu aboris nec consectetur interdum. Fames iure natus sollicitudin oluptatibus.

Handicap Care

Facilisis quisquam eros sint. Facilisis penatibu aboris nec consectetur interdum. Fames iure natus sollicitudin oluptatibus.

Medical Facilities

Facilisis quisquam eros sint. Facilisis penatibu aboris nec consectetur interdum. Fames iure natus sollicitudin oluptatibus.

Jerry Edwards

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